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Masterclass By Aditi Chauhan and Ashalata Devi for An Athlete/Footballer11-Apr-2024

On April 11th, 2024, Unison World School set ablaze the passion for sporting excellence with a thrilling workshop. Led by the illustrious Aditi Chauhan and Loitongbam Ashalata Devi, revered icons of Indian woman's football team, the event unfolded as an exhilarating expedition into the realm of athletic triumph. With captivating narratives, Aditi Chauhan and Loitongbam Ashalata Devi unveiled the untold stories of their footballing journeys, revealing the secret ingredients of their success. Their tales not only ignited inspiration but also illuminated the path of dedication, resilience, and perseverance essential for attaining greatness in sports. Championing the cause of gender equality in sports, the workshop passionately advocated for the inclusion of girls, portraying it as a gateway to personal growth and empowerment. With the powerful mantra, "Women who play sports, become leaders of tomorrow," attendees were urged to embrace the transformative potential of athletic participation. Delving deeper into the intricacies of athletic pursuit, the workshop left no stone unturned, from unravelling the complexities of nutrition and recovery to fine-tuning physical fitness through strength, conditioning, mobility, and breathing techniques, every facet received meticulous attention. Furthermore, a poignant emphasis on injury prevention emphasised the pivotal role of holistic well-being in sustaining peak performance levels. Breaking away from traditional lecture style, the workshop encouraged dynamic participation through engaging Q&A sessions, allowing students to glean wisdom directly from these esteemed athletes. Such exchanges enriched their understanding and ignited their aspirations for sporting greatness. As the curtains fell on this transformative event, students departed with a newfound zeal, armed with invaluable insights and unwavering determination. Guided by the wisdom of Aditi Chauhan and Loitongbam Ashalata Devi, they now stand poised to carve their own paths towards athletic excellence. Truly, the seeds of inspiration sown today are destined to blossom into a future adorned with triumphs and empowered leaders.