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World Scholars Cup01-Sep-2024

Day 4 - 1st September 2024 The following days also buzzed with activities, excitement and learning. The Senior Team departed for Denal British School at 8 a.m., eager to participate in the debates. They honed their oratory skills against competitors from various countries. Meanwhile, the Junior Team spent an exciting day at Thammasat University for the Scholar’s Bowl, a multimedia quiz event. Another highlight was the Scholar’s Showcase, where scholars displayed their talents, and the audience witnessed the top eight debaters in action during the Debate Showcase Round. Day 5 - 2nd September 2024 The day began with a city tour for the Junior Team, who admired the architecture of the city palace, visited the Emerald Buddha temple, and saw the Reclining Buddha. They ended the tour with a shopping trip at Paragon Mall. The Senior Team participated in the Scholar’s Bowl, enjoying a unique quiz experience and attending the Scholar’s Showcase. They had a chance to listen to the select debaters on the topic, ‘To reimagine the present, it is important to forget the past.’ The day concluded with a cultural fair where both teams wore traditional Indian attire and celebrated with scholars from different countries.