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Adventure Camp07-Apr-2024

On April 7th, 2024, Unison World School organized a one-day adventure camp on the school campus with the objective of providing students with an environment where they could face challenges and attempt new things. The camp featured a variety of activities aimed at promoting teamwork, discipline, and personal growth. Throughout the day, the students were engaged in activities such as the vertical ladder, tent pitching, and slackline. These activities not only provided physical challenges but also opportunities for students to learn important skills such as Leave No Trace (LNT) principles, knot tying, creating synergy, discipline, ownership, and teamwork. The camp was highly successful in achieving its objectives, as students were able to break barriers and reinforce themselves with more courage and confidence. By overcoming obstacles and working together as a team, students gained valuable experiences that will contribute to their personal and social development. The one-day adventure camp was a well-executed and accomplished project, providing students with a memorable and enriching experience that will undoubtedly have a positive impact on their lives.