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All India Shree Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Inter-School Debate26-Jul-2024

The All India Shree Naveen Agarwal Ji Memorial Inter-School Debate commenced on 26th July 2024, with ten teams from across the city participating. The preliminary round tackled the thought-provoking topic: 'This House believes that existing cyber security measures are sufficient to combat the growing threat of digital fraud.' The exchange of ideas was both relevant and stimulating, showcasing the students' deep understanding and diverse perspectives on this critical issue. Advancing to the semi-final round, the teams debated the topic: 'Trolling adds an element of entertainment and fun to online interactions.' This round saw a dynamic clash of viewpoints, as participants delved into the complexities of online behaviour and its impact on digital communication. The discussions were engaging and highlighted the students' ability to critically analyse and articulate their arguments. Overall, the debate provided a platform for young minds to explore and discuss pressing contemporary issues, fostering a spirit of intellectual curiosity and public speaking skills.